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Kamil Wichura

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Информация обо мне







Дата рождения

1 апреля

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09 января 2019 в 18:42

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Список из 1 страниц друзей

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deutscha Badboy Heilige BÖSE Junge!mit Träumen,Gefühlen und ficken Wünschen!! You know how it is to know the person with whom you spend your whole life ...? When you know that every day will be the happiest day .. and so the whole Life.Life which will be everlasting ... When you get up with a smile because I know that this someone is next, and feels the same way, when you take life as he is, regardless of others, when you look at it and feel as if you had known her whole life, even though it is not, when it is perfect in every form, there is no defects, it counts only beauty, her happiness ... when you do not really know how it is .. if this is what life ... I've been waiting for the only person .. only chance! not dependent on you .. love! feel difference?- Written by me!!! Under the influence of emotions .. Too difficult to get to know.. I do not understand half of this portal-Fuck It :D Thank you Ksyusha:*)))

Мои интересы

She knows...)

Любимые цитаты

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You'll take care of me, and all under the banner of `love`. I follow your light sweater straight to the bedroom. Love begins with a break tags. Downloading from Dior sweater, levisy Copy the midst of the most beautiful body and the inscription Calvin Klein, forming the rubber in the hip. Baby You Are Fucking now to me, not by Chanel. Love, feel the difference?

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