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Персональный профиль Nicholas Burkhead ВКонтакте

Личная фотография Nicholas Burkhead

Nicholas Burkhead

Virginia Beach, США
Статус: thinking of getting home internet.

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания

Virginia Beach







Дата рождения

21 февраля

Основная информация

Был онлайн

07 ноября 2023 в 02:05

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Chess, Philology, Movies, Music, Board Games, Card Games, Watching Theatre, Watching European Football, reading detective novels, reading spy novels, reading poetry in author's languages, Travel. Listening to music on VK

Мои личные настройки

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Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры профиля











Учебные заведения


University of Tulsa
Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

в активном поиске

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I'm single, (last updated in 2021.) I like learning languages, this year I've been reading about Abjad and Amazigh scripts and orthography. I've also tried learning Russian, and German, and Esperanto, Korean, Hindi, and some 52 other languages over the past 39 years. Apart from languages I've also studied a bit of music, in 2019 I mostly studied household songs from Ukraine, and last year mostly songs from TV shows. I also studied card tricks, and magic tricks, once upon a time, but it's been too long since I practiced, please don't expect too much magic from me. In 2019 I got mugged by someone outside of Moment Cafe in Kyiv, who claimed to want cigarettes ( I don't smoke.) and as a result I got a skull fracture, some intracranial hematomas, an oshib? to a temporal lobe and now seizures too — the neurologists haven't quite decided if they'll be permanent. But maybe I should travel less and put more effort into settling down. And now with the pandemic, it is difficult to travel. So; I bought a house in Virginia. It's near the water, on the right-hand side of the country. It is minutes from the beach, most of my neighbors have boats. Water, sand, sun, seizures. What a combination. And what else about myself, I am unmarried. Why am I not married already... I'm getting old! Well, I don't smoke, It's quite popular in America now. But It just doesn't sound fun to me. My greatest character flaw is that I'm too trusting. But I have spent some time visiting Lebanon in 2019, and it may have helped to permanently cure me of this character flaw. Also I have a rather dry sense of humor, maybe it's not funny for everyone :-) Or maybe I'm too tall? (2 meters exactly.) Honestly I don't know for sure. Maybe I will try one of these dating apps or speed dating groups sometime in 2021. (However with the new pandemic maybe that won't work so well?) Going back to speaking of family, I didn't know most of mine until 2020, and a t-v show that reconnects people with long lost relatives contacted me to introduce me to one of my brothers. It turns out there's quite a large family history, with a mix of nationalities/ethnicities. I think the Russian word is "korn," to describe which people or group you originate from? So based on what I've learned so far, it seems I have a portion of ancestry from a place called West Meath in Ireland (Eire), and several native American ancestors, a French-Canadian named Jacques Hertel, and then some guys like Roger Plowden in England, Llewlyn Mac Griffud in Wales and so on. Even two ancestors that murdered an Archbishop of Canterbury. As well as a Kiev i Rus girl named Agatha, her daughter Margaret married a Scottish guy named Malcom? And then I'm descended from her sister that married an Irish guy named Uchtred in Galway as well. Don't google him though because he had a horrible death. One of my other ancestors named Adam Berkhoven was a descendant of Thomas Badye, who had a disputed claim of descent from Charles 2 of Baden Durlach, and thus from Ivan of Polotsk, and another Kiev i Rus guy named Mystislaw. The tree branches go back very, very far, and some of my ancestors around 1000-2500 years ago claimed to be descended from bears, foxes, fish, and serpents, and even two Greek Titans. Back then they could make claims like that and nobody would say such things are as silly as astrology or ufos. I'm still learning more — I've also gained quite a few relatives recently and It's a lot to adsorb. It seems I have also some ancestors from far away places like Frysia, Batavia, Sweden, 1560s Texel Island, 1850s Cuba. ) This June I tried a DNA test, and I have allegedly over 17,000 " 3rd cousins." The tests are not

Мои интересы

Languages, Foreign places, Foreign Food, Women with cute accents, collecting souvenirs, coins, interesting hats or shirts, postcards, cars

Любимые телешоу

The Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Любимые книги

No favorites, have read very many books

Любимая музыка

A variety of music, but not polka, pop music, or American 'country music.'

Любимые цитаты

A brave man sees the devil for who he is, and tells him so to his face. — John Tyler, former American President who later committed treason and joined the Confederacy during the American Civil War.

Моя жизненная позиция

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Отношение к алкоголю


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