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Nelson Muntz

Springfield, США

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13 января 2017 в 08:59

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Springfield Elementary School

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A fictional character from the animated TV series The Simpsons. He is the former nemesis and later friend of Bart Simpson. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright.Contents Profile Nelson is introduced in Season 1's "Bart the General" as a bully and archnemesis of Bart Simpson, best identified by his signature laugh ("Hah-Ha!"). Over the years, he has terrorized virtually everyone in Springfield. His sidekicks in bullying and only fair weather friends are Jimbo Jones, Dolph and Kearney. He shows the occasional glimpse of humanity, however, and other characters have occasionally warmed to him; Lisa dates him briefly in "Lisa's Date With Density", Marge informally adopts him in "Sleeping with the Enemy", and Bart befriends him in "The Haw-Hawed Couple". Even in a life-or-death situation, Nelson laughs at the one in misfortune. Often, he makes his victim inflict self-punishment while yelling remarks like "Stop hitting yourself!", "Stop butlering yourself!", "Stop zapping yourself!", or "Stop endangering yourself!". Usually it is Milhouse and Martin who are subjected to this type of cruelty, although Nelson once described Bart as having "spiky hair, soft kidneys, and always hitting himself". His family life is dysfunctional. While some early episodes offer inconsistent histories the canon story that has evolved is that he lives in a dilapidated house with his mother who works on the fringes of the sex industry, either as a waitress at Hooters or in a topless bar. The character design and voice portrayal of both parents has varied throughout the course of the series. It is shown in many episodes that Nelson's father abandoned him and his mother at an early age when he "went to pick up some Poptarts". Although, later on in the series, he was said to have gone to pick up a pack of cigarettes. This may or may not be a reference to Stephen King's childhood, as King's father also left for a pack of smokes and never returned. In the fourth season episode, "Brother from the Same Planet" Nelson's father appears as the children's soccer coach and awards Nelson with a free trip to Pele's Soccer and Acting School. Nelson's father returns in the 16th season episode, "Sleeping with the Enemy". It turns out that he did not leave Nelson deliberately; he bit into a chocolate bar, not knowing it had peanuts and had an allergic reaction. Looking like the Elephant Man, he ran out of the store and encountered a circus that made him a part of its freak show. At performances, circus attendees threw peanuts at him, which perpetuated his reaction, never allowing him to return to normal. When the circus came through Springfield, Bart recognized him and brought him home to rid himself of Nelson (who had been taken into the Simpson home by Marge). As revealed in "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"", his grandfather is a judge. In one episode, Nelson represents Japan at the school's Model UN club. In various episodes, he gives off the impression that he is a lot smarter than he may first appear. Nelson often points out painfully obvious things to adults and kids alike that take them longer to grasp. Another example is a running joke where Nelson does a class assignment which is implied to be of high quality. However, he is always brushed off by the teachers before he gets to show them his work. Nelson is also a natural athlete. In the episode "Bart Star", Nelson almost singlehandedly carries the entire Springfield Pee-Wee football team. As the team quarterback, he also on one occasion catches his own pass and plows through the opposing team with extreme ease. Nelson is also a fan of many unexpected things, such as Andy Williams and Snow White. He i

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As I Lay Dying, Metallica, Hatebreed, Agnostic Front, My Dying Bride, Draconan, Great Hopes, Seventh Star, Holy Blood, Nightwish, Sirenia, Tristania, Office Life Phobia

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