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Персональный профиль Jeff Chosen ВКонтакте

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Jeff Chosen

Алматы, Казахстан
Статус: Junior

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JF CHOSEN ENTERTAINMENT/BOOKING AGENCY http://jfchosen.org/booking-agency/ BOOKING AGENCY JF Chosen Entertainment and Booking Agency takes pre-eminence in conveying Talent Buyers and Artists together and negotiating contracts that are in the best interest of both parties. As we all know, an entertainment event which turns successful depends on an agency’s concentration to detail and it’s capability to work well with other booking agents and management teams. JF Chosen Entertainment and Booking Agency does not proclaim to be characterized as the management or the splendid agent as well as representative to every artist herein as we work in collaboration with most of the high-flying Booking Agencies in America, Europe and Africa respectively. Whatever is the size of your event “too large or too small” don’t hesitate to contact us and we’re happy to assist first time event coordinators. You can find some of our reached artists via our Artist Listing and be sure to have a preview over our routed pricing page for deals in your area. If you don’t see the Artist, DJ or Band you’re looking for, no problem; like we noted above, we work well with other management teams & booking agents and it’s no extra cost to you. You can benefit from our recent OFFER, begins 20th April 2011 to 8th of March 2012, TIME: 14:30GMT. NAME IT! If you are interested in any FOREIGN ARTIST for shows kindly contact the President of “JF CHOSEN LTD.” info@jfchosen.com or +77784562929 for more information.

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Список из 335 страниц друзей

Нурпеисов Ануар
Гордеев Михаил
Milevskaya Alina
Танаев Ержан
Нейтралитет Арина
Jumaniyazov Fardin
Михайлович Юлий
Рубин Денис
Соколова Эля
Дюсенова Жупар
Таипова Дина
Пилюгина Надежда
Хан Любовь
Мустафина Оля
Медведев Иван
Медведева Бэлла
Мустафа Кайрат
Sagitayeva Alua
Гордеев Алех
Ковылин Василий
Ли Надежда
Шантиева Еркеша
Самылтырова Анара
Zhunussov Teimur
Алипина Мадина
Аринова Камилла
Албакова Венера
Фень Александр
Onyema Evgeniya
Абдрахманова Наргиза
Хромов Алексей
Хайбуллина Ильназа
Бешеных Свора
Razai Arian
Тулепов Дариман
Санжалова Дайана
Каербаев Рустем
Туруспекова Кима
Кыргызбаева Маржан
Алтыбаев Райм
Касымханкызы Акерке
Tulebayeva Aizhana
Садыкова Радина
Adilbekova Assel
Yugay Vera
Nusupekova Adeliya
Omirkhan Talshyn
Абдрахманова Айжан
Баймухан Акмарал
Амалбаев Олжас
Сейдахметова Назым
Егембердиев Алишер
Koroleva Lena
Bekbauova Ainur
Tulenova Zhaniya
Жиембаевы Адиль-Жаня
Черкас Дима
Sahi Aset
Дартау Алексей
Панабекқызы Береке
Khon Roman
Ли Ынок
Коновалова Елена
Ерсайын Мукагали
Хасанова Фарида
Акбарова Камила
Askarova Aidana
Aitbay Gul'naz
Bakhtybayeva Nigara
Рамазанов Асхат
Бодрова Алёна
Смагул Сандугаш
Cho Heejae
Dastanova Alina
Askarbekov Tumar
Калимулин Алексей
Lee Hemmy
Ибраева Ажар
Оспанов Даулет
Вайо Эличка
Хайбуллина Ильдана
Золотова Злата
Бегун Виктория
Doimanuly Bakhytzhan
Толеухан Олжик
Каримжан Надира
Ергалиева Айжана
Suleiman Aliya
Бурханбаева Толкын
Dautov Rasl
Pers Yunus
Амиргалин Азамат
Band Popcorn
Omirgali Nurai
Sabyr Zeinep
Ниязов Искандер
Satylkhanov Jasulan
Karimova Milana
Диясов Диас
Салморбек Бегимай
Борисова Настя
Korganbay Nuraly
Бонина Илона
Aitkozha Azhar
Satymbekova Dana
Дюсупова Камила
Onyx Booking
Болатова Зарина
Нуржанов Нуржан
Кенесов Чингиз
Sayahmetova Ayazhan
Mahmadierova Madina
Com Egg
Фанаков Артем
Курмангалиев Азамат
Abdirakhman Salamat
Βласенко Георгий
Алимбеков Мади
Yoo Yulya
Dauletkaliyeva Zhanerke
Тулешов Максат
Мамедалиева Айгерим
Ilyasova Aigerim
Молжигит Дана
Билимжан Максат
Кирпичников Алексей
Сулейменов Махамбет
Разан Арман
Бегункова Александра
Adilbekova Aidana
Сетекова Сайяра
Сейтханова Мадина
Technologies Future
Akpanov Beibit
Есенкелдиева Боня
Kachan Tanya
Волчонок Ирина
Саламат Рауан
Корганбай Каусар
Tokseit Aidan
Duisenbek Ainar
Шаяхина Айзада
Baiburanova Mensulu
Хамитова Мира
Замит Айша
Moran Thomas
Куатов Абылай
Πанкратова София
Мырзаханов Еламан
Толкынов Жандос
Ержанова Гулмариям
Zlobin Pavel
Алматы Букeты
Hyo-Ri Lee
Akhmanova Guldana
Манап Мергуль
Кенесарина Камила
Zhunussova Umit
Kanat Yeren
Bimakhanova Aigerim
Кесебаев Мирас
Music-Awards Kazakhstan-Chosen
Аскербекова Айерке
Amanzhan Yernar
Ефременко Алексей
Турсымбет Сандугаш
Kusanbai Daulet
Князева Тамара
Сейтнурова Айгерим
Molzhigit Almat
Летвинова Анна
Kulzhabaeva Madina
Ризун Ольга
Даирова-Кожаханова Айжан
Togaibaev Ruslan
Артуров Олег
Mametova Zamira
Лихтенштейн Жансая
Абдильданова Айнагуль
Turmagambetova Feruza
Omarova Ainur
Μоисеева Αнна
Жунусалиева Аружан
Sariyeva Aigerim
Balzhigit Yermek
Токтабек Аружан
Идрисова Дана
Идрисова Мадина
Релакс Борис
Танабеков Мади
Sanakova Aisaule
Каирбаева Куляим
Тлеубаева Аюка
Казахстана Самые-Красивые
Мельникова Юлия
Абленнанова Севиль
Кабдыгалиев Сыйлык
Tee Funky
Аманжанова Ляйсан
Кз Динка
Молгаждарова Жанар
Бэлла Шика
Никифорова Дарья
Назыров Руфат
Мамекеев Айдос
Кулжабай Аян
Обухов Дмитрий
Жарылкасымова Эльмира
Махмудова Мадина
Bulanbaeva Saliyahon
Сагындык Айша
Бектасова Аруна
Uzakbekova Marzhan
Смок Павел
Quotproductionquot Jf-Chosen
Родионов Ромик
Εвсеева Αлла
Barinova Elena
Секенов Нуржан
Таубалдиев Жанибек
Burn Nick
Хазиев Мехмет
Kabaev Ilyas
Дуйсеалиева Нургуль
Багисбекова Молдир
Амирбекова Анель
Жанаева Алина
Дуалбекова Салтанат
Кенжешова Сыпайы
Yelemesova Maira
Baljigit Ermek
Мирзалимова Алия
Κовалев Εвгений
Rprostudio Rprostudio
Издебская Анастасия
Токтабек Айгерим
Иванченко Елена
Югай Вячеслав
Rahimbekuly Zhandos
Manap Mergulya
Кызайгельдинова Арай
Насырова Мейр
Текешова Айдана
Успанова Айжан
Аби Аконя
Есмуратова Диляра
Ахметова Айнур
Юсупов Гани
Казначеева Алена
Попов Марат
Valieva Zarina
Print Adal
Дуйсембай Адина
Toleu Erke
Жиеналиев Асхат
Kim Veronica
Шынтемирова Айдана
Баембаев Серик
Zhumagaliyeva Assema
Tazhanova Akbota
Look Mens
Samurai Iron
Кусайнова Айман
Демеуова Аймира
Tuganbaeva Aikerim
Шыраева Назира
Чурикова Яна
Кенесбаева Айгуль
Ержанович Адлет
Бекмухамед Бауыржан
Жумабаева Айгуль
Kz Propaganda
Jalalova Kamilka
Акжигитова Сандугаш
Seithanova Madina
Нурахиетова Жазира
Шакманов Айдар
Касабаева Сымбат
Bektassova Aruna
Касабаева Сымбат
Нуржан Баян
Заманбек Таншолпан
Аби Акнур
Кызырканова Дана
Кожекеев Ринат
Battalova Moldir
Жунусов Арыстан
Абдрахманова Захида
Махмудова Мадина
Бахтиярова Мадина
Ibraimov Olzhas
Ibragimov Kanat
Асанова Румилям
Nurbek Didar
Magzumova Juldyz
Starlish Jf-Chosen
Муслим Лёка
Отыншы Есболат
Mansurov Parviz
Маниева Касиет
Kenenov Nurdaulet
Толебаева Меруерт
Орынбаев Дамир
Grand Efe
Илесбаева Дина
Джумабаева Гулбаршын
Шалкарова Уля
Intykbaev Yerzhan
Бекмуханбетова Торгын
Интересное Кино
Унгарбеков Серик
Ильясов Ернар
Татиева Анель
Asq Kz
Загидулин Тимур
Almaty Iiec
Теплова Злата
Tanka Singh
Ержанов Арман
Bulanbekova Indira
Тоэ Ауэс
Namazov Savva
Olumorokun Goodnews
Ungarbekova Svetlana
Ажимбетова Сауле
Асанов Алишер
Маслова Арина
Mansur Ramina
Шокина Надежда
Иаиа Иаиа
Аби Сейтхан

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение


Страница партнера

Радина Садыкова

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

JF Chosen is a multitalented organization, employed several types of livelihood such as Entertainment, Educational Center and General Merchandize respectively. Consequently, after spending years in the field of entertainment carrying out feasibility studies on how the imminent and illustrious artists can be more elevated we decide to make-up an avenue to make things effortless for them in show business. “JF Chosen Ltd” is so certain from its own experience by providing you all you need to make your dream a reality; in view of this, do not let your allotted time runs away. Therefore, get closer to us we will make eventually all impossibility to be possible with the aid of experienced and splendid hands involved in the organization. Here we have it on high authority and our clients are deeply imbuing with the services rendered to them as we are always trying our outmost best to make our clients a greater and marvelous admirer. We are not just concerned mainly on our satisfaction but also our clients’ contentment. Lest I forget, we want to commemorate “especially” all the Media in Africa, America, Asia, Middle East, “Ireland, Kazakhstan, and Russia” respectively for the activities of their benevolence; as they seem to be the back bone of this splendid organization. “JF CHOSEN LTD” is a division of several bodies; such as: JF Chosen Education, JF Chosen Saloon, JF Chosen Helping Hands, JF Chosen Fashion and JF Chosen Entertainment in that order. You can benefit from our recent OFFER, begins 20th September 2009 to 8th of March 2010, TIME: 14:30GMT. NAME IT! If you are interested in any FOREIGN ARTIST for shows kindly contact the President of “JF CHOSEN LTD.” info@jfchosen.com or +77784562929, +77027590103 for more information.

Мои интересы

*OFFER!!!! FOR MAKING CLIPS Make an exclusive musical video NOW in superlative vistas with sophisticated technologies “THE RedOne, ARRI, HDV/DV Cameras and many more are available to make your video”. All it takes is your DEMO or CONCEPT of your song; presumably self-suite costumes but irrelevant; on arrangement, we can provide costumes for an artist. This offer begins 20th September 2009 to 8th of March 2010, TIME: 14:30GMT. Make your booking NOW!!!! with %20 discount for the FIRST 10 Clients and %10 discount thereafter. If you are coming from a country that requires a visa to get to the scene of your clips our organization will be responsible for the procurement of the Artist Visa also with Accommodation “for THREE weeks during the making of the clip”, transportation, dancers, models as well as security for the artist and his tentacles. Any further expense out of the above mentioned accountability of JF CHOSEN LTD will be regarded as the responsibility of the artist. Due to the time taken on visa processing and other essential things; we advice an Artist to book two months before an intended date of trip THE ORGANIZATION POLICY: - Note: An upfront payment of %85 is required before any transaction and %15 before artist departure from his/her home country; prompt to the confirmation of payment an artist is required to forward his/her accredited travelling document such as: Identity Card or International Passport and Agreement Forms to our cooperate office nearest to the artist for the preparation of the travelling documents.

Любимые телешоу

*PARTNERS * CleverLand Ltd – Almaty, KZ * WebArtPromotion – Almaty, KZ * MegaProt – Almaty, KZ * Excel International – Almaty, KZ * Vidi LLC – Dublin, Ireland * JF Chosen Fashion – Cork-City, Ireland * TTPO Hollywood – Minnesota, USA * PC HELP, Almaty, KZ. 3290160 * EFTOWN Entertainment – Lagos, Nigeria * CTV – Moscow Russia * Web Art Promotion – Almaty, KZ

Любимая музыка

*SERVICES We engage in providing immense facilities for making musical and home video “clips” such as: * CAMERAS (Professional) * Production Services * Scooters * Boats * Catamaran * Cars (Hummer, Lexus, Escalade, Limousine, Ferrari etc) * Planes (Private Jet, Helicopters) * Motor Bikes and many more… * Making Professional Musical Video “Clips” * Making Home Video “Clips” with Professional Video DIRECTORS’ * Professional Camera CREWS’ * Make up Artists * Studios “for making clips” - Concert Organizer - Artist Promoter - Advertisements - Artists/Talents Agent - Producer - Marketer All this is being handled by professional handlers. EDUCATIONAL CENTERS: All tutors are English Native Speakers with good qualifications. Click here for more details… FASHION SHOW: Would you need an exclusive fashion style? Click here for more details… WAOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you need a song in ENGLISH? Contact us NOW for exclusive songs. Ranging from R&B, Hip-Hop, Hard Rock, Rock, Reggae etc. for more information contact info@jfchosen.com or call +77784562929, +77027590103

Любимые цитаты

[id582092|Dmitry Kuznetsov]!!!! FOR MAKING CLIPS

Make an exclusive musical video NOW in superlative vistas with sophisticated technologies “THE RedOne, ARRI, HDV/DV Cameras and many more are available to make your video”. All it takes is your DEMO or CONCEPT of your song; presumably self-suite costumes but irrelevant; on arrangement, we can provide costumes for an artist. This offer begins 20th September 2009 to 8th of March 2010, TIME: 14:30GMT. Make your booking NOW!!!! with %20 discount for the FIRST 10 Clients and %10 discount thereafter. If you are coming from a country that requires a visa to get to the scene of your clips our organization will be responsible for the procurement of the Artist Visa also with Accommodation “for THREE weeks during the making of the clip”, transportation, dancers, models as well as security for the artist and his tentacles. Any further expense out of the above mentioned accountability of JF CHOSEN LTD Make an exclusive musical video NOW in superlative vistas with sophisticated technologies “THE RedOne, ARRI, HDV/DV Cameras and many more are available to make your video”. All it takes is your DEMO or CONCEPT of your song; presumably self-suite costumes but irrelevant; on arrangement, we can provide costumes for an artist. This offer begins 20th September 2009 to 8th of March 2010, TIME: 14:30GMT. Make your booking NOW!!!! with %20 discount for the FIRST 10 Clients and %10 discount thereafter. If you are coming from a country that requires a visa to get to the scene of your clips our organization will be responsible for the procurement of the Artist Visa also with Accommodation “for THREE weeks during the making of the clip”, transportation, dancers, models as well as security for the artist and his tentacles. Any further expense out of the above mentioned accountability of JF CHOSEN LTD will be regarded as the responsibility of the artist.
Due to the time taken on visa processing and other essential things; we advice an Artist to book two months before an intended date of trip

THE ORGANIZATION POLICY: - Note: An upfront payment of %85 is required before any transaction and %15 before artist departure from his/her home country; prompt to the confirmation of payment an artist is required to forward his/her accredited travelling document such as: Identity Card or International Passport and Agreement Forms to our cooperate office nearest to the artist for the preparation of the travelling documents.

Моя жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни


Главное в людях

Смелость и упорство

Отношение к курению


Отношение к алкоголю




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