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Персональный профиль Jeremy Pangilinan ВКонтакте

Личная фотография Jeremy Pangilinan

Jeremy Pangilinan

38 лет, Manila, Филиппины
Статус: hello everyone (;

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания








Дата рождения

26 сентября 1985

Полных лет

38 лет

Основная информация

Была онлайн

20 февраля 2013 в 17:34

Устройство с которого заходила


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты


Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры профиля







Учебные заведения


Saint Joseph School Gagalangin, 1996 – 2003


CEU 2007
School of Education, Liberal Arts, Music And Social Work

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

не замужем

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I have high respect for people who stand firm for what they believe in because i do not agree to something just because everybody does. i am arguementative especially when i know i am right, never argue with me if you are unsure of your point... analytical is also one word to describe me, i analyze everything, from lyrics of songs to signs and billboards everywhere :) I am very impressed on how an individual is unique from one another, you can never meet a person who is exactly like one person... an observant yet a conversationalist... talkative yet tactful... a brat yet considerate... rational yet careless... impatient yet understanding... friendly yet picky... indecisive yet prudent... a dreamer yet a pessimist... emotional yet strong... sensitive yet mature... as a friend, im very loyal and i got your back all the way even if your wrong, i cannot take seeing my friend in a shit hole, id take a bullet for my loved ones!!! i give great advice but as most people, i have a hard time following it when i am in that certain situation. I am not ashamed of the mistakes ive committed because it had taught me a lot in LIFE. LIFE can never be learned unless you LIVE it... but life is truly unfair sometimes... i love to be loved :) i always try to make people that i love happy and proud of me... i do not have a single interest or hobby because i like to try a lot of things... i respect people's own philosophies, but im a believer of MINE... .. You have to learn to be strong, and in those moments when you feel at your weakest, give the world the biggest smile.

Любимые цитаты

remain- continue to be.
in the end you have to take yourself a bit too seriously, but BEWARE, only a bit. if you take yourself too seriously, there is no freedom left, and distress and imprisonment ensue. one is not really free in one's movements.
the answer is: be half serious.- from EDUARDO SANGINETTI'S BOOK 'THE ALTER EGO'

Моя жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения


Главное в жизни


Главное в людях

Смелость и упорство

Отношение к курению


Отношение к алкоголю


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