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Персональный профиль Олега Мінчука ВКонтакте

Личная фотография Олега Мінчука

Олег Мінчук

51 год, Fayette City, США
Статус: www.thecybermusiclover.rocks Come check out the new look of the Station!

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания

Fayette City







Дата рождения

16 января 1973

Полных лет

51 год

Основная информация

Был онлайн

19 апреля 2023 в 17:45

Устройство с которого заходил


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты


Домен анкеты



UPDATE Whenever people who own these Stations would quit pussyfooting around and switching from one site to the next, then I will hopefully put a Predominant Web Site URL here!

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры профиля

















Список из 183 страниц друзей

Живцова Юлия
Mercury Freddie
Иванова Кира
Ладыгин Алексей
Злобин Евгений
Куприянов Игорь
Анаников Геннадий
Прыгунов Виталий
Ковалёва Аня
Breeze Mike
Сандаков Виктор
Шевцов Дмитрий
Блаер Евгения
Лаптев Геннадий
Андреева Светлана
Алексеев Димас
Петров Денис
Zorina Olga
Верпаховский Валик
Бородулин Олег
Витальева Ольга
Idol Billy
Коляда Игорь
Штыкова Ольга
Щербинин Михаил
Костылев Данил
Черняев Михаил
Рябченко Олег
Киселев Сергей
Самойленко Дмитрий
Гернер Артур
Еськов Дмитрий
Марковникова Маша
Висоцька Іра
Nova Андрей
Саниев Игорь
May Brian
Голованова Алиса
Lennon John
Степной Антон
Меркьюри Фредди
Каялайнен Илья
Букин Геннадий
Ерохин Макс
Григоров Михаил
Rawwr Meduza
Бояров Артур
Волкова Жанна
Кулагин Дмитрий
Лозяк Коля
Радов Алекс
Разбитнов Валерий
Пищальников Олег
Сакевич Татьяна
Панов Владимир
Приходько Володимир
Добров Сергій
Мыльникова Лариса
Макарова Надежда
Полосухин Александр
Зелинский Станислав
Шамрай Елена
Терлоев Альтемир
Грекова Наталья
Радионова Екатерина
Романцов Сергей
Левчук Александр
Lehnsherr Kira
Цццц Ыыы
Коленда Олег
Кушнир Елизавета
Александров Сергей
Фетищева Мария
Лебедев Mike
Russia Mj
Ерёмина Иванна
Яцишина Ольга
Хасневский Эниш
Масодова Соня
Дискотеки queen Queendisco
Page Jimmy
Лабцов Владимир
Воронюк Игорь
Рогозянская Павловна
Кузнецова Валентина
Прокопенко Ксения
Mercury Freddie
Иванов Алексей
Богачев Роман
Груздев Данила
Сурмилина Наталья
Franchi Enrico
Гусев Роман
Klishina Ksenia
Diamond Juliana
Бутенко Артём
Savchenkov Vladimir
Куриленко Каролина
Гороза Сергей
Simmons Gene
Алмазова Лариса
Битлз-Клуб Уральский
Серёгин Павел
Folium Legenda
Tastan Koray
Белова Анастасия
Vincent Vinnie
Active Radio
Тимофеева Адель
Лещенко Лев
Pic Paris
Springer Thirstlight
Thrash-Metal Ss
Meddows-Taylor Roger
Сапельников Артем
Мыльникова Дарина
Рина Карина
Kingsley Elvis
Hensley Ken
Radkiewicz Cezary
Галяев Станислав
Уранов Аман
Червяков Гоша
Виктор Виктор
Шишкин Александр
Лучезарнова Радастеида
Chandler Carly
Круцевова Женя
Болдырев Миша
Scamander Helgard
Лис Виталий
Котов Андрей
Davis Ross
Leo Leo
Уэй Джерард
Черненко Стася
Gaspich Shannon
Coldspell Micke
Steelironmaiden Anderson
Maldonado Radio
Terrana Mike
Бугрова Мария
Makapalinn Herm
Шварц Николай
Ηекрасова Βиктория
Марципанова Анна
Калинина Лина
Symphonic-Metal After-The-Darkness
Mauntai's Lona
Wyatt Andi
Balliver Murry
Черепахов Руслан
Дмитриева Александра
Попов Илья
Griffin Tammy
Трушина Ангелина
Вершилова Екатерина
Талалаев Павел
Maldonado Raul
Stream Fire
Pavlovich Miro
Jara Mendoza Rosinaldo
Prence Ag
Денисенко Анна
Кузьмина Альбина
Колесникова Маша
Kovalevared Anna
Сальникова Ольга
Corvus Royal
Coffin-Maker Sergey
Белова Надежда
Headquist Ryan
Яремкова Лера

Учебные заведения


Imperial College London

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

всё сложно

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Back in 2008, I used to be very popular in the Music Scene especially in a Music Squabbling Web Site very much like Last.FM but in my opinion much better! I went under the Unsername: Acirema1973 on www.maestro.fm The Web Site at this time had so much progress still to make at the time and as I look back from time to time I see they had come a long way. This was once my Profile on the Web Site: https://profile.maestro.fm/Acirema1973 Now, looking back I can honestly tell you that it was my old profile which had saved this Site from closing because at the time they were new and I had problems so bad with my ability to squabble my music to their Web Site onto my profile though it had well into the thousands of my personal collection of music from every possible genre imaginable. So, long story, short, I finally gave up even after their attempts to do all they could do to help me to get their Software to work with my Music Squobbler. In the end, I decided to leave their Web Site and an agreement was made between me and the Company Supervisor to keep my Profile open to never close it and allow for my Profile to be seen to Google Searcher and promote their Company since my Profile had the largest variety of Music from all over the world. Heck, they had even offered to pay me for every user signing up from the link to my Profile's Playlist. I declined because I told them to simply accept my Profile and the massive Playlists as my personal gift and contribution as a Thank you for busting their asses to try to make this Web Site work for me. I gave up my Rights to the Username: Acirema1973 that night. Which is good because shortly after the 24, October, 2008 Agreement to disown my rights to Acirema1973 and pass it onto Maestro.FM I because an Internet Radio Disc Jockey for Three years. So today, I no longer am a Disc Jockey due to online dramatic events which had caused me to give it all up. I now do my Music here on www.vk.com because I love music and as I had told the owners of Maestro.FM: It is not about the Money for my Profile...It has everything to do with "THE MUSIC." Therefore, I am glad I am here. I am proud of www.maestro.fm for their success too. I will never ask for my Profile back though they are leaving me with the option. It is their's not mine as I told them I will never take back my Acirema1973 because it is my contributional Gift to them. I am a good person and I proved it that day on October 24, 2008. With this in mind...Please check out my Playlist on my VK.com Profile as well as what I had on www.maestro.fm I think "Musically" listeners will be satisfied either way. I became "The Cyber Music Lover" shortly after leaving Maestro for Last.FM and eventually here. I was hired at www.965thenoize.net till the drama started and eventually I found my way here. I will always remain as "The Cyber Music Lover" no matter where I am on the Internet. However, I owe my deepest gratitude's to those at www.maestro.fm for where I am at today! https://secure.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?agBoucb I support saving the Internet from Censorship.

Мои интересы

Music, Chatting with friends and meeting people from all over the world, Computers, Art, I enjoy being a Disc Jockey on the Internet Radio Station: www.xtream-radio.com, Cooking, and playing with my animals, and I love Photography....and So Much more

Любимые телешоу

I do not watch television

Любимые книги

www.sylv.com I like all of the Books which are available for reading on that Web Site

Любимая музыка


Моя жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни

Совершенствование мира

Главное в людях

Юмор и жизнелюбие

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю



Spiritual, not Religious: I believe everything on www.sylv.com For more information check out the Web Site or simply read my Documents.

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