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Indiana Evans

33 года, Sydney, Австралия

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Дата рождения

27 июля 1990

Полных лет

33 года

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Была онлайн

30 января 2013 в 14:50

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Indiana Evans played with five, when she performed for family and friends. In seven years, parents of Indiana signed her to a dance, which was taught ballet, jazz and tap dance. At age 10, she liked to play musical instruments, and she took special lessons before joining the agency. In the first year, she began modeling career and has passed the auditions. In 2001, she landed her first role in advertising. Before starting to appear in "Home and Away", went to Indiana Evans was engaged in Nyutonskoy School of Performing Arts, but withdrew from it in two weeks to focus on career. She obuchalach absentia until until she was 15. In 2003, Evans received a cameo role Milly Roberts in the TV series "All Saints". Then, she took the lead role in the American campaign Kool Aid. Also, she has appeared in the Australian comedy Comedy Inc. In the same year she teach the role of Abbie Oakley in the series "Snobz. In 2004, Evans appeared on Girl TV, Daily TV magazine show. In 2004, when its role in Snobze coming to an end, Evans was invited to audition for the role of Mathilde Hyunter in the series "Home and Away" and got it. She was nominated for most popular new actress of the 2005 Logie Award. April 21, 2008, the press lied that Evans had been denied a contract extension, "Home and Away". May 3 in the magazine TV Week, Evans said that the producers asked her to keep acting, but she is ready to move forward. " The last time she appeared on the show, in July 2008. Indiana will appear in the new series "The Strip", the former star of TV series "Home and Away, " Bobby Morley. She plays Chin Williams. The series shown on Channel Nine. In addition, confirmed rumors that Evans will star in the popular TV series "H2O JUST ADD WATER", replacing Claire Holt. She will play Bella, one of three girls who lead double lives as mermaids. She said: "I look forward to new roles." Indiana has an older sister Alexis and his younger brother Max. Indiana is friends with his partner on the series "Snobz" Brooke Callaghan. In the circle of family and friends Evans called "Indy". Indiana loves to sing, draw, shop, meet friends and play with your cat past (Meemo). Her favorite singers are Beyonce and Delta Goodrem. She also said that her favorite actress is Cameron Diaz and Cate Blanchett. Her favorite movie is "Charlie's Ange." She said that the first music CDs which she had bought were albomMaykla Jackson and the Spice Girls. Translation GlamGirl Facts Did you know that ... Indiana went to high school only two weeks before she landed the role of Matilda Hunter in the TV series "Home and Away." Indiana was named in honor of her aunt. In Indiana's blue eyes and blond it. Indiana likes to design clothes and she made a dress for the 2006 MTV Music Awards. Indina would be desirable to make a tour of Europe. Favorite films of Indiana is "The Notebook" and "Pleasantville." Indiana loves lemon ice cream. Early in the life of music albums that were bought Indiana Jackson and the Spice Girls. Indiana has a cat whose name is Memo. Indiana has an older sister Alexis and his younger brother Max. Indiana would like to see the wardrobe Sienna Miller, the most famous people with whom have ever met Indiana - Owen Wilson, although she never talked with him. Indiana big fan of Jack Johnson, James Blunt and Missy Higgins. At ekarane, Indiana met with Rhys Wakefield. Indiana is casting the lead role in advertising Kool Aid. Indiana plays the drums, and the first drum kit, she bought with money raised from its first advertisement. Among the favorite actors of Indiana there are Cate Blanchett and Cameron Diaz. Among the favorite musical artists of Indiana there are Beyonce and Delta Goodrem. Indiana - Ambassador Dolly Bullying Campaign, aimed against bullying in school

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Хабибуллина Диля
Бошин Вадим
Морозова Юлия
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Денисова Милуся
Bieber Justin
Мерзлякова Маша
Baby Ice
Зимкова Виктория
Jonas Stella
Петрова Катерина
............... Justin
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Демьянова Оля
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Dolmatova Nika
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Bieber Sashka
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Gomez Selena
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Bieber Justin_drew
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Учебные заведения


Caroline Chisholm College, 1997 – 2005


ACU National 2007

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение


Страница партнера

Justin Bieber

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Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I'm the most ♥ beautiful, ♥ clever, ♥ a caring, ♥ attractive, ♥ good, ♥ sweet, ♥ sweet, ♥ a charming, ♥ charming, ♥ unique, ♥ soul, ♥ a memorable, ♥ a compelling, ♥ Elegant, ♥ Dazzling, ♥ fantastic ♥ Divine, ♥ a fascinating, ♥ angelic ♥ bright, ♥ responsive, ♥ kick-ass, ♥ stunning, ♥ A slender, ♥ seductive, ♥ coquettish, ♥a subtle, ♥ graceful, ♥ fun, ♥energetic, ♥ stylish, ♥

Мои интересы

I love to make movies, watch movies, I love my friends, and generally I love Demi Lovatto Respect her♥

Любимые телешоу

how to find a mermaid:D

Любимые книги

mermaid, desert island and much more

Любимая музыка

I love music that I write myself, sung by Ricky, Cleo, and much more

Любимые цитаты

Speak two staruhi.-mate I stopped swearing, I stopped believing in God!-Snitch! "Yes these are the cross
Intuition is the ability to feel the head asshole ....
______________________________________________ Girlfriend as bra: close to my heart and will always support the
People ask me "how are you", but my answer is absolutely not important. I ask the same question and I basically just do not care. Vicious circle and we're even ... (c)
Calories is such small dirty dog, who come at night and all clothes are sutured.

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