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Личная страница Rodney Simon ВКонтакте

Личная фотография Rodney Simon

Rodney Simon

Miami Beach, США

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания

Miami Beach







Основная информация

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15 августа 2022 в 01:37

Устройство с которого заходил


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I want to see the WORLD.... Travel, Travel, and more Travel

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры профиля

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

не женат

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I'm straight to the point. Second, . My life and work is on a computer. All my shows I watch online. Love to cook and love to cook together. But I swear the first time I try something it's amazing and then I never can seem to duplicate. I don't measure. But you will never find anybody like me and I'm a guaranteed good time--wow that kinda sounds wrong but I'm leaving it. But honestly I'm not in the best place right now but I'm working on it. I just want a friend, a real honest friend... No more no less... For the most part I'm not my first impression. I'm entertaining. I say things and people laugh even though I wasn't particularly trying to be funny. I smile and laugh a lot and in the right company that's all I do.

Мои интересы

I live to be with my friends. I'm one of those who like to help but I don't ask for help. Oh and party doesn't start till I get there. If I want to figure something out, I won't stop trying. I tend to find a hobby, do it well and move on to the next one. Did I mention sci-fi/fantasy freak. Just want to be upfront.

Любимые телешоу

First 48hrs., Forensic Science, Discovery Channel, 24.. Anything Educational

Любимая музыка

R&B, Neo-Soul, Jazz & Hip Hop, and the GREATEST Reggea...

Любимые цитаты

Develop the habits of success and you will make success a habit (came in my fortune cookie).

and from the words of the Dalai Lama

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Followthe three Rs:
Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

8. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.

Моя жизненная позиция

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